Happy Thursday, Friends! It's time for another edition of Latte with Leah. Grab a chair, your favorite drink and let's get started :)
~ The weather is finally starting to get {dare I say it} nice around here. We actually hit 70+ degrees yesterday. The first 70 since October 11, 2013! Oh warm weather, how I've missed you! I am so happy that I don't have to put on 3 jackets, mittens, 2 scarves, a hat & boots {and I'd STILL be cold}. I'm ready to pull out the dresses, flip flops, lawn chairs and bon-fire pit...let's get this SUMMER started!
~ Can we talk shoes for a minute? I'm not big into shoes and I think it stems from the fact that I have the world's smallest grown up feet. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously, my feet are small and I have a hard time finding shoes that fit. Recently, I found a pair of Sperry shoes that I absolutely LOVE! They fit perfectly and are so comfortable. I think I need more ;)

~ I've been trying to be really organized about our meal planning. I try to plan our meals out for an entire week at a time. I try to mix it up: pasta, chicken, beef, burgers, pizza, etc. so that we're not eating the same thing over and over. I find myself struggling with finding quick, easy and affordable recipes. In most cases, I peruse blogs & food websites {i.e. Food Network or Pinterest} to find my weekly meals. Do you plan out weekly meals? If so, how? I'm always looking for great recipes, tips & tricks for meal planning!
~ Right now, I currently work as an Accountant. It's far, far, far from being my dream job, but it pays the bills. My passion is and always has been writing & editing. I love to write and know that this is a career I would love to pursue. Problem - I don't have a degree in communications/journalism nor do I have any "real" experience. I recently joined a Communications Forum at work in hopes that it will allow me to network and make some contacts within this field. I'm hopeful that something good will come out of this group and I will be able to find an "in" to start a new career path. Fingers {toes, legs, arms} crossed!
~ Did I tell you that my Husband is the BEST? No? Well - he is! Normally the hubby & I get up at 5:50am on weekdays. I used to say that I wanted to get up earlier so I'd have time to curl my hair and he'd always say "I'm not getting up any earlier, we get up early enough". So, I dropped the whole idea. Then a month & a half ago we decided to get up at 5:30am so we could workout in the mornings. He agreed to get up that early if we worked out. Okay, fine. Well, the other day, he wanted to workout, but he had to be to work by 7am, so he said he wanted to get up earlier than the normal 5:30am...and I begrudgingly agreed - after stating that this was a total double standard. So, to make up for it, he brought me home some tasty chocolate-y treats! Chocolate makes up for everything, right?
~ Big weekend plans? Nothing too crazy for us. We're hoping the weather cooperates so we can hit up a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt and a neighborhood "local-vendor" event. Otherwise, nothing overly exciting for us.
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
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