Here are 10 things for our ten month old!
1. October 6th, Dafney started crawling! Let the baby proofing begin! It was by far one of the neatest things we've seen her do to date. Obviously, everything has been cool, but she's been trying & trying to crawl for well over a month now, so to finally see her do it was completely amazing! Everyday she gets faster & faster! Seriously, if there were an Olympic sport for crawling, Dafney would win :)
2. Dafney absolutely loves to feed herself. We still feed her oatmeal & rice cereal, but she tends to get upset after the first few spoonfuls we try to feed her. She attempts to grab the spoon...she wants to do it HERSELF ;) She's really getting the hang of finger foods & eats the little "puff" cereal like it's her job!
Yum! I love feeding myself! |
3. Good-bye infant bathtub...yep, she's takin' baths in the "big-girl" bathtub! She sits up really well & was starting to outgrow the infant style bathtub, so we've made the transition to letting her bathe in the actual tub. She looks so tiny in there, but loves splashing around! She sat in there so long the other night, that she was prune-y from head to toe!
I realize this isn't a picture of her in the tub, but I figured I'd save those embarrassing gems for another time :) |
Hmm....maybe I can escape! |
5. Ms. Dafney is a chatter-box! She always has something to say & she always gets the last word :)
6. Speaking of "chatting", she's finally saying Ma-Ma! Okay, so she might not know what it means, but I'm pretty much convinced that she knows I'm her "Ma-Ma"! Either that or she's saying "more" since she does tend to say it a lot while she's eating...nah, she's saying ma-ma!
"ma-ma" |
7. Dafney loves to "help" with the laundry! She gets wildly giddy when she sees a laundry basket full of clean clothes! I see a little laundry helper in my future ;) She thinks ripping the clothes out of the basket is the coolest thing...and then it goes straight into her mouth. Meh, who needs clean, dry clothes anyway?!
Here, let me help you fold those clothes! |
8. The ever dreaded sleep is still pretty much the same. Some nights she sleeps great & only gets up once; others {last night, for example} she's up 2-3 times. There isn't really a pattern, but she is getting better at putting herself to sleep, which is nice. If only we could get it down to just waking up once a night, I'd be an overly happy {& awake} mama! I thought all his crawling would help tire her out...was I wrong!
she's so cute when she DOES sleep! |
9. Dafney is still super clingy towards me. I'm hopeful that this is just a phase that will pass in a couple months. Don't get me wrong, I ♥love♥ my time with her & I realize how precious it is, but sometimes I need a break & it would be great if she'd let someone other than me hold her.
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♥♥♥ |
10. Dafney's personality comes out more & more everyday. I think she's going to be a very independent person, with just a hint of "attitude" {but in a good way}. She's sweet & happy and is constantly making everyone around her smile :) I might be biased, but she certainly lights up my world! She is a true blessing & I'm thankful for her!
Other fun Dafney facts:
Dafney ♥loves♥ clap her hands, to wave, dancing to kids music {not grown up music}, taking baths, swinging, eating "puff cereal" by herself, watching Hannah & now crawling all over her, laundry baskets, exploring {& seems to find all the things she's not supposed to have}, using her voice & crawling everywhere!
Dafney is not-so-fond of...getting her face washed, having her nose wiped {she screams}, strangers {we've hit the "stranger-danger" phase}& eating new veggies/foods.
Dafney is now wearing some 9 month clothes. The 9 month onesies & long-sleeved shirts I have for her are big, but they're fine. She does wear some 6 month onesies & shirts still, but she's slooowly growing out of them. Pants are a bit trickier...she really needs a 6 month size for her waist, but 9 month size for the length. Since it's been getting a bit colder, I've been putting her in the 9 month pants, but she practically crawls right out of them because they're so big in her waist.
And, she still wears a size 2 diaper. I don't foresee her moving up to a size 3 anytime soon :)
♥happy 10 months to my sweet Dafney♥
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