Happy New Year! Can
you believe we’re already 7 days into 2014?!
So far, so good! I know that a
New Year tends to bring {lofty} resolutions…you know the kind: lose 70 pounds,
workout at the gym for 2 hours every day, save {crazy amounts of} money…and
while I’m sure there are some people
that can actually follow through with these resolutions, I’m definitely not one
of them. Yes, I’m the girl that signs up
for a gym membership in January and by the 3rd week of January I’m in
line to cancel the membership because I’m “over the gym”.

With that said, I DO think it’s great to have goals both short AND long term. And, that’s what I’ve been thinking about a
lot lately: my 2014 short/long term
goals. I tried to make goals that were
not only important to me, but also attainable.
There’s no sense in making a goal that just can’t happen, right?! I also figured if I shared them with the
blog-o-sphere, I’d be held more accountable, which would help ensure that I
follow through and work hard at the goals I’ve set.
Short-term Goals (in
no particular order…I think these all have great importance):
Blog more often. I
often use the “I don’t have any time” excuse when it comes to blogging {and
other things, too}. But, blogging
reminds me how much I LOVE to write and is relaxing to me. Right now, I’m only blogging 3-4 times a
month…and that needs to change. I want
to write/blog more. I’d love to blog 3-4
times a week, but I think an attainable goal is to blog 2 times a week. You're welcome :)
Eat healthier. Yes,
this can be a lofty goal, but now
that I have a child, eating healthier is definitely on my list of
priorities. Unfortunately, since we’ve been
living with my parents, the healthy foods have not been seen much on our
plates. Now, that’s not to say we eat
junk food…we definitely don’t. But, we
don’t eat the fresh veggies & fruits like I’d want. Once we’re back to our own house, I’ll be
able to better control our grocery’s and daily meals. This includes healthier snacks as well as
healthier meals.
Get back into reading.
I’ve always loved books and do enjoy reading. And, with a child, we do read…a lot, just not
the kind of books I like to read.
Though, I do love me a good Elmo book now and then! I have a long list of books that I’m dying to
read. Once we’re back to the house, I’ll
be taking FULL advantage of our remodeled library.
Spend less time in front of the TV and more time with my
family! Okay, so my hubby and I don’t
tend to watch a ton of TV; though, we do have the shows we have to see, but we try to watch TV once Dafney is in bed. But, I’d love to cut down the random TV
watching that we tend to do {especially during the winter months}. I want to
take that time and spend it doing something fun with Dafney. It will also help once our daily commute is
cut down by almost an hour.
Long-term Goals
{again, in no particular order}
Start or morph this blog into more of a foodie type
blog. I just adore food blogs and would
LOVE to have one of my very own. I really
enjoy cooking and baking and would love to start creating some of my own tasty,
healthy recipes. I may need to take a
couple food classes, though J I’m totally envious of all of the amazing
food blogs out there in the blog-o-sphere and HOPE that someday I’ll have my
very own.
Be more organized in every aspect of life. Everything from meal planning to organizing our
pictures. I feel so disorganized lately. I want to be able to organize our photos,
organize Dafney’s baby book {…yes, she’s 2}, organize our weekly meals,
organize our home better, organize our files and more importantly, keep things organized.
As much as this contradicts “spending more time with family”
as I mentioned above, I would like to take an hour each week of “me’ time. Time for me to spend in the kitchen, time for
me to read, time for me to exercise, time for me to blog, time for me to do absolutely
nothing! It sounds glorious. After having Dafney any ounce of “me” time was
long gone. I mean, I can’t even use the
bathroom by myself any more. I would
love to have 60 whole minutes to do whatever I want to do. I know for me this will be extremely
hard. I have a hard time carving out
time to do the things that are important to me, but I know that it’s
necessary. I truly believe everyone
needs and deserves a little “me” now and then.
Remember important dates. You know, like birthday's and anniversary's. I have a crazy good memory for birthday's and special dates in general, but this year, I want to really remember these special occasions for my family & friends. At the very least, I want to call people on their special days. But, ultimately, my goal is to send a card and if I'm really ORGANIZED, I want to send friends home-made gifts this year...cookies, bars, granola, etc.! In fact, I started the year off right & just sent 2 friends some home-made goodies for their birthday's :)
So there you have it…my 2014 goals! I hope to update
about how each are going throughout the year.
Here’s to a happy, HEALTHY, wonderful {exciting} NEW YEAR!