HOLYCRAPHOWISITDECEMBERTOMORRO W….seriously, I’m so shocked that tomorrow is December 1st. I have so many things to update you on…I mean, I haven’t even posted the adorable pictures I took from Halloween {holding head in shame}. Not to mention, I have yet to update you on my new job, an eleven month Dafney update & could probably dedicate a whole week’s worth of posts on the preparation of Dafney’s {GULP} first birthday!
But, first things first – it’s foodie penpal reveal day! I love posting about what I've received & LOVE, LOVE, LOVE seeing what others received! As always, I want to extend a huge thanks to Lindsay over at The Lean Green Bean for putting together yet another fabulous month of foodie penpals!
This month I received treats from Esther over at Esther Norine Designs. Let me just say I was in CHOCOLATE heaven when I received her package :) She sent me 5 (yep, count em…FIVE) delicious bars of CHOCOLATE! They included:
* Almonds with Sea Salt in Dark Chocolate: Um, I don’t know if I’m sad or merely ashamed, but I ate it so fast I barely tasted the sheer amazingness that this was. I mean, it was FREAKIN’ delicious! One of my favorite things paired with chocolate is almonds…excuse the drool coming out of my mouth right now :)
* Cherries in Chocolate: Seriously, crazy good! And, I'm pretty sure that falls under the "fruit" category....right!?!
* Toffee with Sea Salt & White Chocolate: Ugh…I think Esther was trying to fatten me up. I ate this thing in record time! I love toffee…another one of my faves!
* Chocolate with Peppermint: So festive and SO good! It went perfectly with a pipin’ hot cup of cocoa! It was heavenly! And, as sad as I am to have winter coming, I’m so happy to see the peppermint flavors back on the shelves!
* Good old fashion Milk Chocolate bar: There’s just nothing like a plain ole’ chocolate bar to help with the winter blues!
Thank-you to Esther for making this month’s foodie penpal exchange another amazing one!
**For the month of December, Lindsey's changing things up! Normally, I'm not a big fan of change, but this is GOOD change! Instead of sending & receiving packages from your penpal, she's encouraging everyone to make a donation to help victims of Hurricane Sandy. I encourage everyone to donate the $15-25 you would have spent on sending a package to Hurricane Sandy victims.
The charity that Lindsey has chosen is New York Cares.
For more information on how to donate and other details, please check Lindsey's blog on Monday, December 3rd!